Large Feet..

You know what they say about people with large feet.. they have large.. shoes.


Christian Siriano Violetta Shoe – $29.99

Payless Shoesource are fortunate to often have fashion designers create shoes exclusively for them – Christian Siriano is a regular designer for Payless, in past years (2011) (2012) I have seen shoes by designers like Isabel Toledo and Lela Rose.

Me personally I wear size 10 or 11 depending on the shoe.

Unfortunately in Australia it is a bit difficult to find these large shoes, especially in pretty styles. But on Oahu? You will be spoiled for choice. Usually the section for size 11 is tiny – have a look at this size 11 section at Payless just behind the International Marketplace!


Here are some size 10 shoes at the same Payless –


These are not all of the size 10 shoes in the store – the boys were rushing me through here and I did not get to take all the photos I wanted to..


They have a pretty decent range of boots for a warm climate state!


This is just one store. You will find most of the shoe stores stock most styles in size 10-11.


The shoes on Oahu are very reasonably priced and there is a large range to choose from.

You can get a preview before your trip of the available shoes at Payless Shoesource by visiting their website – they sadly do not ship to Australia.

Happy Shoe Shopping!